For Maria Morganti, her website is a work of art. “I imagined this site as an integral part of my work, as a support for my obsessive habit of accumulating, withholding, recording and exhibiting. Since it is a lucubration, it will transform continually and will keep open a constantly mutating research”, we read on the home page. In the display designed for Casa Testori, the centre has been assigned to the computer, placed on the table that was once Giovanni Testori’s desk. It is open at the site to allow visitors to navigate it. The small panel Melma, a work resulting from dripping paint brushes, has been placed in the open drawer. Melma is also, however, the background of the home page of the site, confirming this symbiotic identity between Morganti’s artistic activity at a real level and its expansion into virtual terrain. On the lateral walls, on the other hand, Morganti has wished to exhibit two large summarizing screen displays, one representing the navigation tree of the site, the other a complete compilation of all the files that populate it. The printouts constitute the works Autoritratti 2019 and Archivio 2019, which effectively represents a glance at the artist herself. Two self-portraits that complete each other and cross-fertilize one another. The specifically catalogizing nature of the site, expressed by the self-portrait that presents the dense list of files, is destabilized by the tree which gives the idea, instead, of an organism in constant movement and mutation. Thus the site becomes, for the artist, a place in which to look at herself and also in which to let herself be looked at, by the navigators, but also by those hosted therein.

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Posted on: 15 November 2021, by : Alessandro Ulleri
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