It is the word “casa” (home) that guides our educational planning: Casa Testori as a familiar place to return to, to which one can turn to experience oneself, one’s own knowledge and to acquire new ones.
We wish not only to transmit information, but also to encourage the acquisition of skills through active and participatory experimentation in the proposed experiences.

The figure of Giovanni Testori, with his stratified creative force, from literature to theatre, from writing to poetry to art, offers numerous ideas for the creation of a catalogue of proposals concerning the permanent collection of Casa Testori, its library and all the materials that can be made available to the public.
Art, literature and theatre are the fields in which we move in order to develop our projects: image and speech are opportunities for furthering and experimenting with education in art, literature, writing, storytelling, reading, theatre and history.

The frequentation of our space has become increasingly rich thanks to collaborations with cultural associations that ask to become part of the life of Casa Testori: the University of the Third Age of Bollate, Garbagnate and Novate Milanese in recent years has held its art courses in the rooms of the house.
Casa Testori has worked with migrants, through the SPRAR project of the municipalities of Novate Milanese and the hinterland, or accompanied by the teachers of the Italian courses of various organisations such as the ACLI or the Circolo Soci COOP, with the aim not only of learning new words, but also of being introduced to the current Italian visual and artistic culture.

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