Aldo Rossi, CUCINA

Room 6

The coffee pot, among other vessels, or domestic appliances, lends itself particularly well to various transpositions, and analogies with buildings and forms of architecture. Particularly with domes, bell towers, minarets and is almost never separated from a certain oriental or more particularly Turkish air or style in the 18th century sense. There is no doubt about it, but its presence in compositions of interiors or still lifes gives a solidity to the image that brings the composition closer to the landscape and particularly to the urban landscape where towers, domes and various buildings predominate.
Aldo Rossi

Rossi was a little wary of industry in general, but he liked Alessi and embarked on lengthy studies of coffee objects, which over time became something of an obsession: notes, sketches, photographs, drawings, projects of various kinds, for Rossi the coffee pot is par excellence the symbol of the dialectical relationship between architecture (or rather town planning) and the “domestic landscape” into which this miniature monument fits. This research gave rise to La conica, La cupola, Ottagono and other objects linked to the coffee ritual.
Alberto Alessi

Aldo Rossi was born and lived in Milan from 1931 to 1997.

Posted on: 10 December 2021, by : Alessandro Ulleri
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