Casa Testori
18 June 2008


The Associazione Giovanni Testori organised an afternoon of celebrations in the garden of Casa Testori to celebrate the dedication of a rose to Giovanni Testori by the large German flower company Kordes.

The image of the rose, in fact, was one of the most recurrent in Testori’s production: a subject often represented in his paintings and present in many of his poems.
To celebrate the event, a few artists particularly close to Testori were invited: Hermann Albert, Enzo Cucchi, Rainer Fetting, Klaus Mehrkens, Giovanni Frangi and Alessandro Verdi. These artists paid homage to the critic by creating some works on the theme, exhibited in the large hall of the house together with some of Testori’s drawings. 
During the afternoon, the actors Anna Nogara and Andrea Carbelli celebrated Testori by reciting, from the balcony of his room, some of his most beautiful pieces dedicated to the rose.

Posted on: 12 November 2021, by : Alessandro Ulleri
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