Andrea Fiorino, THE ESCAPE

At first glance, one did not recognise the setting of the story Andrea Fiorino was telling. It could have been the room of the artist, whose alter ego is often the protagonist of his paintings, but instead it was the cell of a prisoner, who can only see a starless night from the bars on the windows. 
Fiorino narrates an epiphany that offers a possibility of escape, an escape from a prison or from everyday life, a leap into the void, precisely because one does not know what is outside.
His stroke is apparently instinctive, close to the elementary drawings that mark the walls of many prisons. The palette he uses emphasises certain elements of the composition, directing the observer’s gaze to the cardinal elements of the story: from the waiting to the escape.

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The Escape, 2016, acrylic on wood, 80×800 cm

Posted on: 2 November 2021, by : Alessandro Ulleri
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