Like a prayer. This is how Paola Sala conceived her project for a theme so dear to Bonvesin, such as the representation of the religious figures narrated in the text.
Sala created an environment in which the repetitiveness of the subjects and gestures required to draw the angels with their rigid movements on the walls was a sort of ex-voto, made with the ancient technique of spolvero (dusting) and modern felt-tip pens. The oil on canvas was instead entrusted with the description of the key figure in the ecclesiastical life of Milan, merged with the figure of Barnabas: «the blessed Ambrose, twelfth archipontiff, one of the four main Doctors of the Church, superior to all others in wisdom and virtue, who contributed to increasing the honour and dignity of our city».

Posted on: 28 October 2021, by : Alessandro Ulleri
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