Giacomo Gambineri and Gio Pastori, MASTERS IN TECHNICOLOR

«For when, on feast days, we see crowds of dignified men, both noble and common, wandering about; and also the noisy groups of children who run incessantly here and there, and the dignified groups and the dignified throngs of matrons and virgins, who, with a dignity that one would call the daughters of kings, come and go, or stand at the doors of the houses, who could say that they have ever found, on this side or on the other side of the sea, such a marvellous spectacle of a crowd?».

The comparison between the city of yesterday and that of today could not but continue with the description of the professions carried out by the inhabitants of Milan. This industrious city was already animated in the 13th century by numerous categories, which Bonvesin enumerates almost slavishly.
While Gio Pastori, who works with the technique of cutting out paper to create shapes, recounted the trades of the time of our volume, Giacomo Gambineri updated those same roles, with a stroke close to the comic strips.
In the rhythmic succession of one slide after the other, they were mirrored by legists and decretists, notaries, servants, trumpeters, doctors, physicists, surgeons, grammar teachers, doctors of Ambrosian chant, primary school teachers, scribes, bakers, shopkeepers, butchers, fishermen, hoteliers, blacksmiths shoeing quadrupeds, blacksmiths making rattles, weavers, shoemakers, tanners, tailors, merchants, itinerant merchants, auctioneers and farmers.

Posted on: 28 October 2021, by : Alessandro Ulleri
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